The picture at the right is of pediatrician Fred Holmes who has just retired from practice in St. Albans, Vermont. Holmes is the focus of Bess O’Brien’s newly released […]
So when are we going to stop using the old IOM figure of 98,ooo people dying a year from preventable errors and start using more correct data. As Propublica recently […]
Thought people would like to see this review that appeared on Amazon. By R. M. Ostenson Format:Paperback|Amazon Verified Purchase I have survived in flying a private plane for many decades… [...]
Check out this article. Please!!! It’s from Propublica and is entitled “ How Many Die from Medical Mistakes in U.S. Hospitals?” by Marshall Allen. What Allen tells us is that [...]
Our series at Cornell University Press is about to publish Dan Zuberi’s new book Cleaning Up: How Hospital Outsoursing Is Hurting Workers and Endangering Patients. This book is really [...]
I’ve been thinking a lot more lately about the concepts of Emotional Intelligence and Team Intelligence, which is something I’ve written about in First Do Less Harm: Confronting the [...]