Last year, our series at Cornell University Press — The Culture and Politics of Health Care Work — published Frederick Barken’s excellent book about the frustrations of primary [...]
In her December 20th blogpost on WonkBlog, Sarah Kliff reports on a study from the Journal Surgery which documents that surgeons have left 4,857 objects in patients over the last […]
I have had the pleasure to edit sociologist Adam Reich’s excellent book With God on Our Side about the struggle for union representation at a Catholic hospital run by nuns […]
When I heard the news about the latest shooting of children in Connecticut, I was like so many others, appalled and outraged. Echoing so many other reasonable people, I wonder […]
Yesterday I wrote about a conjugal culinary episode and its connection to patient safety. What I left out was the fact that my husband and I — novice and expert […]
The other evening, as we were having company for dinner, my husband burned the roasting pan. Completely and irremediably. I was cooking a roast and asked him to keep an […]