On May 27th, the New York Times ran a story in the Business Section highlighting a truly shameful aspect of the ACA, aka Obama Care. Employers are now trying to […]
I wrote this for Nurses Week for the Progressive Media Project. It’s an oped service that goes out to a number of newspapers nationwide. Celebrate Nurses Week by not overworking […]
Anybody who missed Alison Whittaker’s play Vital Signs at the Marsh Theatre in San Francisco has a chance to see it now. Alison has been asked to return to the […]
Time to pull the plug on 12-hour nursing shifts Bostonglobe.com By Suzanne Gordon All over the world during the month of May, time is set aside to celebrate nurses. But […]
We just published this article in the Boston Globe. In this section : Opinion The Podium Medical staff needs to lose the tie and the rings By Suzanne […]
I had the honor of addressing the Yale School of Nursing on April 22, 2013. The YSN videoed the lecture entitled Team Intelligence in Action and it is available [...]