I wrote this essay years ago, but have been thinking about the issue alot during these difficult times. As we face this coronavirus crisis, some people are jumping in, working […]
I’m writing this blogpost from the Delta airplane that I’m traveling on to Detroit to speak at a patient safety conference in Windsor, Canada. I’ve been wanting to write about […]
For the past fifteen years, since the Institute of Medicine published its report To Err Is Human, patient safety has become the watchword of the day. Money has been spent. […]
Healthcare is steeped in hierarchy, obsessed with leadership (as in everyone wants to be a leader and no one wants to be a follower/team member(but more on that in a […]
I’ve been thinking a lot more lately about the concepts of Emotional Intelligence and Team Intelligence, which is something I’ve written about in First Do Less Harm: Confronting the [...]
When we discuss the feasibility of team training in health care, many medical professionals insist that the aviation safety model can never be applied to the healthcare workplace. Why? Because [...]
In their book Managing the Unexpected: Assuring High Performance in an Age of Complexity, Karl E. Weick and Kathleen M. Sutcliffe outline the characteristics of a High Reliability Organization [...]
News that hospital patients in Minnesota are no safer today than a decade ago comes as no surprise to those trying to reduce medical errors and injuries. The drive to […]
I am delighted to let readers of this blog know about our new book, Beyond the Checklist: What Else Health Care Can Learn from Aviation Safety and Teamwork, which was […]
In her December 20th blogpost on WonkBlog, Sarah Kliff reports on a study from the Journal Surgery which documents that surgeons have left 4,857 objects in patients over the last […]