This article recently appeared in The American Prospect. Unhealthy Competition How creeping privatization of health care services for military veterans is not helping patients or their [...]
Very informative article from Bloomberg reporters. Was one of those who added information from our work at Veterans Healthcare Policy Institute (VHPI). VA Hospitals Are the U.S. Safety Net. [...]
From The American Prospect The Continuing Bid to Privatize Veterans’ Care Disguised as an effort to reduce veteran suicide, the Improve Act has become a magnet for corporate influence. by […]
Just did this new article for The American Prospect. Putting Veterans at Risk Suzanne Gordon April 16, 2019 Even VA privatizers agree that the MISSION Act is likely to stumble. […]
Please click and share this new article Jasper Craven and I did in The American Prospect Trump’s Under-the-Radar Push to Dismantle Veterans Health Care Suzanne Gordon & Jasper Craven January [...]
Randy Furst at the Minneapolis Star Tribune just did an excellent article on the Veterans for Peace and American Legion conventions and the privatiztion issue. I was honored to be […]
I was honored to be asked to co-author, with Phillip Longman, a report on the future of VA healthcare for the American Legion. The Legion just published the report on […]
This letter was just sent to the Commission on Care by eight of the nation’s largest Veterans Service Organizations. March 31, 2016 Ms. Nancy Schlichting, Chairperson Commission on Care [...]
As you can see in this new post from Beyond Chron, we all need to care about what’s happening in DC about the Veterans Health Administration Beltway Plot to Dismantle […]