
1-10 copies $10.00 each
11-99 copies $7.50 each
100-200 copies $5.00 each

Price does not include shipping and handling which varies depending on how many copies are purchased.

If you are placing an order outside the U.S. and Canada, or have any questions, please contact me with your name, address and order.




Just a Nurse Bookmark
10-1000 copies $0.50 each
1001-2000 copies $0.45 each
2001-up copies $0.40 each

Price does not include shipping and handling which varies depending on how many copies are purchased.

If you are placing an order outside the U.S. and Canada, or have any questions, please contact me with your name, address and order.

Bedside Manners

Teaching Package for Hospitals, Clinics, Educational Institutions and Other Healthcare Organizations

Purchase the DVD presentation of the play with the teaching package
The DVD includes the play and teaching materials with introduction by Lucian Leape, MD

  • Teaching scenarios from the play are led by Suzanne Gordon
  • Interviews with the authors
  • The teaching package also includes a download of extra scenes that can be added or substituted for those in the play to include a variety of settings and situations.
  • A downloadable powerpoint about Team Intelligence and Interprofessional Practice that can be used in discussions of the play.
  • Scripts of the play in 30 and 40 minute versions